2019 SHORT FILM - INTERNATIONAL (Best Short Film under 15 mins)

Mothering - Lucy Bridger - Nice Shirt JPEG

Mothering - Nice Shirt
Lucy Bridger

Mothering - Nice Shirt - Lucy Bridger


Film Title: Mothering
Production Company: Nice Shirt
Director: Lucy Bridger
Brief Synopsis: Mothering tells the story of a young girl, Mia, arriving at her new foster home. When her first period unexpectedly appears in the early hours, help comes in the form of her foster parent's elderly mother, Pauline.
Writer/Concept: Lucy Bridger
Completion Date: 2018-05-24
Editor: Jack Williams
Cinematographer: Nick Morris
Production Designer: Anna Mould
Sound: Mike Bovell
Casting: Amanda Tabak
Key Cast Members: Mia - Sapphire Paine
Key Cast Members: Helen - Angela McHale
Key Cast Members: Pauline - Ursula Jones
Other: Producer: Ailsa Vanessa Tapping
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