He's Got His Mother's Hips - Bella Union - John Grant JPG
He's Got His Mother's Hips - Bella Union - John Grant MP4 3m:39s

He's Got His Mother's Hips - John Grant
Bella Union

He's Got His Mother's Hips - John Grant - Bella Union


Track Name: He's Got His Mother's Hips
Recording Artiste or Band: John Grant
Record Label: Bella Union
Production Company: Friends Electric
Producer: Ewan Jones Morris
Director: Ewan Jones Morris and Casey Raymond
Writer/Concept: Ewan Jones Morris and Casey Raymond
Editor: Ewan Jones Morris and Casey Raymond
Animation: Ewan Jones Morris and Casey Raymond
Other: Animation: Angela Stempel
Other: Animation: Anna Mantzaris
Other: Animation: Benjamin Portas
Other: Animation: Cheng-Hsu Chung
Other: Animation: Cossa
Other: Animation: Gabriel Mangold
Other: Animation: Gyuri Cloe Lee
Other: Animation: Jimmy Screamerclauz
Other: Animation: Kokofreakbean
Other: Animation: Linyou Xie and Thu Tran
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