2020 DIGITAL - INTERNATIONAL (Public Awareness & Political Party)

Remember the Rainbow - Equality - BeLonG To JPG
Remember the Rainbow - Equality - BeLonG To MP4 1m:48s

Remember the Rainbow - BeLonG To

Remember the Rainbow - BeLonG To - Equality


Title: Remember the Rainbow
Brand: BeLonG To
Product: Equality
Entrant Company: In the Company of Huskies
Client: BeLonG To
Creative Director: Damian Hanley
Director: Gavin Feiritéar
Judging URL: https://www.remembertherainbow.com/
Live site URL: https://www.remembertherainbow.com/
Production Company: In the Company of Huskies
Digital Producer: Fiona Cunniffe
Developer: Yuri Davidovsky
Designer: Gavin Feiritéar, Emily Blaney, Nicole McMahon
UX Designer: Chris Flynn
Other: Technical Director: Adrian Peyton
Notes: A new educational campaign for the Irish charity BelonG to Youth Services which aims teach primary school children about the importance of diversity and inclusion and to foster tolerance, open-mindedness and respect among kids in their formative years.

“The animated film, which is part of a wider resource-based information campaign, tells the story of the colours who didn’t want to mix. Things didn’t go very well for them when they stayed apart, but in the end, all the colours came together and created one of the most beautiful things in the world – a rainbow,” according to the agency.

For Pride Month, the agency saw an opportunity to align the mnemonic for remembering the rainbow with its international symbolic meaning – respect and equality. The project reinvents the old mnemonic about the rainbow colours. The well-known ‘Roy G Biv’ or ‘Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain.
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